10 de mayo del 2021 Erasmus K2 Projects
May 2021 newsletter edition has been launched by us The Spanish partners at Babbat erasmus Project, Better Adult Training<.
The main topic is the successful Multiplier Event we celebrated online during the month of April:
Tenerife has a optimistic situation at the moment about the progress of the end of the pandemic times, looking forward to the end of May to the restart of the flight connections with Europe and welcome back visitors to our sunny landscapes. For those dreaming of this time please enjoy this video: Tenerife Safe destination:
We would like to offer some interesting adult learning in Tenerife, as we are working on this topic at our project Babbat: Why not learning a little bit of Spanish, the second language more spoken in the world? if you are looking for a excuse to come to our beautiful island, learning is a powerful reason:
Our newsletter on this occasion is going to be monothematic due to the event celebrated on the 20th and 21st April 2021: BABBAT International Conference TIME OF CHANGES on the 20th and 21st April 2021.
It’s been a huge effort from our partners from Podebrady and Riseba University our two partners organising this event. With a total of 186 participants on the first day of the meeting and 117 on the second, we can be very proud of our partners, it’s not easy to keep the attention of such a big audience online. Congratulation¡¡¡
Enjoy this video with the best moment of the conference:
DURING THE FIRST DAY, organized by our partner Eva Svobodova and her EKO team, we listen to Zbynek Lukavec Director of EKO Podebrady School and Hansina Einarsdottir, project Manager of Babbat Project on their welcome speeches. We also enjoy the presentation of the e-brochure design by Simon Chloupek (attach a picture of design) and the results of the first part of the projects by the different partners.
The interesting presentations that follow were around the following topics:
- Online learning from the point of the students
- Online teaching form the point of the teachers and personal experience
- Impact of Covid pandemic on services in tourism and hospitality
- What to avoid when teaching adults online
DURING THE SECOND DAY, organized by our partner Riseba University started with the welcome meeting of Tatiana Vasiljeva, Rector of Riseba University and very professionally presented by Aigars Ceplitis. During this interesting second day we enjoyed the following presentations:
- Valters Kaze about Innovative personality test and personal development
- Iveta Ludviga about generationals differences and millennials
/ European Projects / Education / Partnerships / Erasmus projects