LEGAL TERMS: General conditions of use
Tenerife Job Training, with C.I.F Nº B-76523703, address at C/Montaña Clara, 5 local 4 Fañabe, Adeje 38679 (Tenerife), contact telephone number (+34) 922 711 512 and e-mail
1.2. The domain name for
Tenerife Job Training (from now on known as
TJT) is
tenerifejobtraining.com .
2.1. The present general conditions apply to access, navigation and use of the Web pages under the domain www.tenerifejobtraining.com, as indeed they apply to the responsibility derived from the use of its’ contents: software, photographs, music, videos, sounds, Database, pictures, expressions and information, just as any other created site protected by national copyright laws and/or falling under patent protection.
2.2. It is understood that access and use of the Web site “tenerifejobtraining.com” will be carried out under the published general conditions which are shown every time access to the aforementioned site is permitted. Therefore, the user (person gaining access, navigating and utilizing certain contents, services and developed material by “tenerifejobtraining.com”) must read the general conditions carefully.
2.3. Hereby, “tenerifejobtraining.com” may authorize a third party to publish or borrow material. Under such circumstances, TJT will take no responsibility in establishing particular and general conditions regarding the use, lending or contracting of those services by third parties and thus cannot be held responsible for the same.
2.4. Before using and/or contracting services by TJT, users must read carefully the corresponding particular conditions which apply to the required service. Use and/or contracting of specific services implies acceptance of this particular conditions.
3.1. Tenerifejobtraining.com reserves the right to update, modify or eliminate information, including limiting or denying access to information.
3.2. It is prohibited to alter, change, modify or adapt “tenerifejobtraining.com”. However, “tenerifejobtraining.com” reserves the right at any time and without any previous notification to execute changes and modifications which they consider convenient. In this manner, any legal warning/disclaimer may be modified and these modifications will take effect when the new version of “tenerifejobtraining.com” comes into use.
4.1. While TJT makes every effort to ensure that no mistakes are made with their information, they neither guarantee nor take responsibility for any consequences deriving from such errors.
4.2. The authors reserve the right, should they think it necessary, to modify, alter or eliminate any information which may be an insult to personal dignity, may be racially discriminative, sexually discriminative, or of a strong political and/or religious topic.
5.1. TJT, as owners of the company, are holders of the corresponding licence to the rights of the Copyright for “tenerifejobtraining.com”.
5.2. It is, therefore, prohibited to modify, copy, re-use, exploit, reproduce, publish, make secondary copies, upload files, send by mail, transmit, use or distribute either partly or totally the contents of “tenerifejobtraining.com” intended for public or commercial use unless written authorization from TJT, or – in certain cases – permission has been given from any other corresponding holder of the rights.
Displaying, printing and partial downloading of material from “tenerifejobtraining.com” will solely be authorized under the following conditions:
5.4. That no information used will be modified in any way whatsoever.
5.3. That any information used will be for private and personal use only.
5.5. That no available graphics, icons or images contained in “tenerifejobtraining.com” be used, copied or distributed separately from the text or the rest of the accompanying images, unless written authorization from TJT has been granted, or – in certain cases – permission has been given from any other corresponding holder of the rights.
5.6. TJT reserves the right to take appropriate legal action against anyone violating or infringing the rights of the Copyright.
6.1. Upon visiting “tenerifejobtraining.com” the user is not obliged to supply any personal information. In the instance of the user providing information of a personal nature, it will solely be used within the limits and rights of the law “UE) 2016/679 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 27 de abril de 2016” from the Protection of Personal Data within the legal framework of the Spanish Law. The provided information will be incorporated into the personal files of TJT where they will be guarded confidentially on Spanish territory.
6.2. For legal reasons, TJT may retain any information of any user at any time, including after the period of closure/finalization of the file.
6.3. TJT is authorized to use personal information given to them by the user and have the right to use that information in whichever way considered appropriate for the requested services by the user. TJT reserves the rights to remove information of users who do not comply with the necessary criteria which could be demanded in the additional Conditions of each service.
6.4. TJT has adopted necessary technical measures in order to guarantee the security and integrity of the information, thus avoiding alteration, loss, wrongful usage or unauthorized access of the data.
6.5. Failure to provide obligatory data will result in the inability to use the services or the denial of access to the requested services, whereas the optimum use of our services will be gained by the user who submits his information correctly and in a voluntary manner.
The established terms between TJT and the user will be governed by lawful conditions. However, in the case of failure by one or both parties in reaching an agreement, TJT and the user will submit themselves to the local Court of Law of Adeje, Santa Cruz of Tenerife, Spain .
Particular Conditions:
1.- In the case of a legal dispute with the company, users of the system must accept and comply with the Spanish law. Any criminal offence could lead to immediate repatriation of the offender with no responsibility whatsoever being taken by TJT. It is impossible to form a comprehensive list of punishable offences, but – to name a few - alcohol, drug abuse, sexual abuse, shoplifting etc. - may lead to immediate repatriation.
2.- Complaints and Claims: There is a Complaints Report Book at the clients’ disposal in the offices of TJT in Adeje, Tenerife. Clients may also file a complaint from their own country after completing their stay here but never exceeding 3 months after their return-date.
3.- TJT takes no responsibility for incidents such as on aircrafts, weather situations, loss of documentation, passports, legal problems or accidents during the period of the services provided to the clients.
4.- All participants must be fully competent and in a good mental and physical health and have an updated insurance policy for accidents and illness. TJT reserve the right to refuse clients application in the case of any of the mentioned situations.
5.- TJT will not refund the payments done by the clients due to:
- Cancelations before arrival of the agreed period or training.
- Misbehaviour during the training period at the company.
- Not providing the official documents and correct documents required by the Spanish law to complete internship periods in Spain.
6.- There will be no refund of deposit in the case of participants dismissed for serious misconduct at work. TJT will immediately cancel all their placements.
7.- TJT agrees to confirm accommodation and the assigned hotel before the arrival of the client in the case of practical work and a maximum of six job interviews in the case of a working contract.
8.- Any outstanding payment due by the client upon arrival in Tenerife must be paid before commencing work placement. Failure to pay will result in TJT taking no responsibility for the client.
9.- All applicants coming to a foreign country must accept and abide by national laws. Any offence or criminal action will lead to immediate repatriation of the student to his/her home country at their own expense.
Repatriation does not prevent the student being taken to justice by local authorities. It is impossible to give a full, comprehensive list of punishable offences, but – to name a few - alcohol, drug, sexual abuse, shoplifting etc.… will lead to immediate repatriation.